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The T.I.L.E. acronym

What does the T.I.L.E. acronym stand for in relation to Moving & Handling?

T.I.L.E. is a useful acronym to help with the risk assessment process.

The first step should always be to avoid the Moving & Handling task where possible, where this isn't possible then you should consider:

  • T - Task (what does the task involve?)

  • I - Individual (the person carrying out the activity)

  • L - Load (the object or person that is being moved)

  • E - Environment (the area where the activity will be undertaken)

What about other variations?


  • Task

  • Individual

  • Load

  • Environment

  • Other - Anything else which may impact upon the manual handling activity e.g. personal protective equipment (P.P.E)


  • Task

  • Individual

  • Load

  • Environment

  • Equipment - Consider any equipment that could help with the manual handling task.


  • Environment

  • Load

  • Individual

  • Task

  • Equipment


  • Load

  • Individual

  • Task

  • Environment


  • Load

  • Individual

  • Task

  • Environment

  • Equipment

Kind regards,

Slanjava Learning

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