Unsure of First Aid Training requirements?
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 (as amended in 2018) places a duty on employers to make first aid provision for employees. The practical aspects of this statutory duty for employees and for the self-employed are set out in the Guidance on Regulations.
In order to meet regulatory requirements, employers have a responsibility to carry out an assessment of first aid needs based on the hazards and risks in their work, select a suitable training provider and undertake due diligence on that provider.
Employers are also advised to consider the provision of mental health and wellbeing support when carrying out assessment.
What can we do to support you?
Slanjava Learning Ltd. utilises decades of experience within the Health and Social Care sector to provide quality, accredited First Aid courses.
We will:
Provide value for money services to meet your budgetary requirements.
Provide on-site training anywhere in the UK to provide savings if you have groups of staff to be trained
Customise training courses to suit your work environment and risks.
Offer a large range of open training courses in key areas throughout the UK.
Provide delegates with appropriate materials and on-going support via our First Aid Group on our site/app.
Which First Aid Course to choose?
Course Title | Course Duration | Overview |
First Aid at Work | 3 days | For anyone wishing to become an accredited first aider in the workplace, particularly where it has been identified subsequent to risk assessment that a trained first aider is recommended. |
Emergency First Aid at Work | 1 day | The qualification will equip the first aider with skills to be able to confidently undertake emergency first aid if someone becomes ill or injured at work and consists of 6 hours of instructor led tuition with the emphasis on practical application of first aid skills. |
Paediatric & Early Years First Aid | 2 days | For employees that have been identified to act as the first aider in low-risk workplace who are caring for babies and children. |
Basic Life Support with AED | 1/2 day | This course is ideal for employees who work in a low-risk environment and client groups where assessment of needs indicates this level of first aid training appropriate. |
Outdoor First Aid | 2 days | This course is for anyone wishing to become a first aider involved in outdoor pursuits or working in outdoor environments. |
Anaphylaxis Awareness | 1/2 day | Designed for workplace first aiders working in an environment where they may have to deal with those more susceptible to anaphylaxis. |
If you are unsure which course is right for your team, get in touch to discuss your First Aid training requirements.
Kind regards,
Slanjava Learning
-slàinte mhath-